Containers are transforming the way we develop and deploy code, but managing them in production requires a variety of skills. We specialise in Cloud platforms, so you can concentrate on the core business activity that adds value to your customers. We offer an array of services ranging from a simple out-of-the-box installation and setup of an on-prem Kubernetes cluster, through to a complete managed service including low-level patching, software updates and even attended deployments.


Less downtime

By using rolling deployments, you can reduce your service downtime to zero.


Better utilisation

Fewer distractions from the racks and pipes, so you can focus on delivering business value.


Route to Cloud

Make on-prem Kubernetes part of your wider digital strategy, perhaps as a 2-5 year stop-gap before migrating to the Cloud.

Solid architecture, solid future

No web project should be deployed without the backing of good architecture to ensure we build the right thing and it’s built right. Done right, a new platform can be transformative so we provide clear documentation to show how your environments will work. We agree with you what hostnames should be assigned, how DNS will work, what level of firewalling should be built into the solution and the base operating system for each machine build. We then provide a quote that shows precisely what we will deploy if you decide to go ahead.

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To make sure your Kubernetes cluster continues to run reliably, every Lightenna Kubernetes environment also includes:

  • Configuration-managed set of firewalled hosts
  • Pre-configured Kubernetes cluster to run across the worker nodes
  • Infrastructure-as-code manifests to provision and manage machines
  • Distributed block storage class (Cloud storage or Longhorn on-prem)

Free and Open-source Software (FOSS) foundations

Everything we do is based on open standards, to ensure that you never become locked into a single vendor. Along with your cluster, we deliver the infrastructure-as-code that you need to maintain, replicate and extend what you’ve paid for. We hope our great service will mean you choose us again in the future.



Puppetboard as a user interface (UI) for Puppet and PuppetDB


Rancher and Kubectl

Rancher visual UI and Kubectl command-line for cluster maintenance and deployments



Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana (ELK) for logging and Prometheus & AlertManager for monitoring


The success of any kind of Cloud project depends not only on a good delivery but how well it's supported in production. We offer three different service offerings, depending on what you decide is the best fit for your organisation:

  • Staged handover: we train your team to build confidence in the technologies that underpin the cluster, then we’re available for ad hoc support, if rather than when it’s required.
  • Part-managed: we patch and maintain the cluster, by proactively monitoring for issues before they affect the service.
  • Fully-managed: as above, but we also handle code deployments to the cluster and application upgrades.

Everything you need for Cloud

Kubernetes may already fit into your digital strategy, but if you’d like advice on how to integrate an on-prem cluster into your existing Cloud infrastructure, please get in touch. Our consultants can bring to bear years of experience in Cloud adoption to help your business take on the right mix of services from hyperscale providers such as AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

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Let us show you the business benefits of Kubernetes

There's a human-being on the end of this form, so please tell us how and when you'd like to be contacted and anything pertinent about your Cloud or the on-prem environment that you'd like to move to Kubernetes.