
Low disruption

Our experienced staff use multiple cameras and automation to minimise the impact on your event


Low cost record

We specialise in filming small events that otherwise might not get recorded


Reliable streaming

We use industry-grade equipment to reliably deliver a high-quality stream and post-event archive copy

Unobtrusive recording and streaming

Every event is different so we customise our offering based on your needs. Our goal is to ensure that fundamentally the staff who couldn’t be in the room can still get a clear sense of what’s going on. We can even provide back-channels to allow interaction from those joining online.

Each streamed event typically includes:

  • Multi-camera setup
  • Multi-microphone setup including radio mics for presenters
  • Minimal disruption with only 1 or 2 engineers/camera-people
  • Streaming online using your existing network
  • Secure delivery to ensure closed meetings and sensitive content are handled appropriately

Save the moments that not everyone can attend in person

There's a human-being on the end of this form, so please tell us how and when you'd like to be contacted and anything pertinent the workload you'd like to host in our managed Kubernetes service.